Railway House Membership
When you join the Railway House as a member, you’re joining a community of people that care about each other and about the things that shape our community. You’ll be able to propose and vote on motions at Annual General Meetings, provide feedback and suggestions and nominate to be a member of our Committee of Management (CoM) and sub-committees.
We encourage all users and friends of the House to become members.
Your application for membership will be considered by the Railway House CoM and you will be notified of the outcome by email.
Being a member or user of the Railway House means that we all abide by the organisation’s Rules, policies and procedures. These include being courteous and respectful to each other and our staff. We strive to be a safe and inclusive environment and thank you for supporting us in creating and sustaining a great place to visit and work.
Please note that the CoM reserves the right to reject membership applications and to discipline, suspend or expel members who fail to support the purposes of the organisation or comply with its Rules, policies and procedures.
If you wish to apply to be a member of Railway House, or renew your membership, please complete the application form below.
All 2024 memberships will be valid from the date we receive your membership fee until December 31st, 2024.
Membership Fees
Membership fees are a choice of: $2, $5, or $10. (You may also choose to pay amount greater than $10; all contributions are appreciated.)
Payment can be made at the office (cash or card) or via bank transfer:
Name: North Carlton Railway Neighbourhood House
BSB: 313 140
Account Number: 12054263
If you pay via bank transfer, please include your surname and “membership” in the reference.